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Ovarian Cysts Treatment - Conventional Treatment

Understand The Conventional Ovarian Cysts Treatment

Having complex cyst on ovary is not life stopping, but it sure takes away any energy for everything. There is a lot of sayings claim that it is a common occurrence for a woman to have ovarian cysts, where in most of  the cases, the cysts are harmless.

Unfortunately, not all cysts are harmless, a normal cyst may continue to grow and becomes a functional ovarian cyst that bleed within its capsule and sometimes, twist the ovary, causing the sharp pain on pelvic and/or abdominal.

The conventional medicine approach to ovarian cysts is the most common, simple and straight forward approach that used when treating this disease. Generally, there are three stages involved in conventional treatment of ovarian cysts.

1.    Understanding the ovarian cysts symptoms: There are certain textbook symptoms of ovarian cysts condition, which include irregular menstruation, pelvic pain, infertility, and more. The patients are asked to keep a tab on these symptoms so that the condition can be diagnosed as soon as possible. However, sometimes, ovarian cysts do not give rise to any symptom. Hence, they can be discovered accidentally during routine gynecological examination.

2.    Diagnosing ovarian cysts: There are different ways of diagnosing ovarian cysts. Besides understanding the symptoms of the condition, the practitioner will also make use of Endovaginal ultrasound, CT scanning, blood test, Laproscopy and many other forms of tests to conform his suspicions. Like the treatment, the diagnosis stage of the treatment can be equally traumatic.

3.    Treatment: The treatment for ovarian cysts will depend upon the type of the cyst and its nature. If the cyst is benign, little or no treatment is required. However, in the case of serious condition, conventional medicine will recommended the following forms of treatment :

    * Birth control pills: Birth control pills stop ovulation. They therefore repress ovarian cysts. They can also reduce the size of the follicles and help in reducing the size of the existing cysts. 
    * Surgery: If the cysts are cancerous or if there are any other complications, then surgery is recommended. Surgery will again depend upon the type of cyst and the resulting complications. Sometimes, only the cyst is removed. However, it is not very uncommon to remove the ovaries to get rid of the cyst.

Besides the above, pain relievers are also given to provide relief from the pain caused by the cysts.

In most of the cases, your gynecologist will choose surgical removal as the ultimate solution for the complex cysts. Without any doubt, surgical removal is the fastest way to remove the cysts from your body, however there always seems to be some sort of negative side effect to any female surgery. Moreover, surgery cannot prevent ovarian cysts from reoccur. If get rid of ovarian cysts for the less of your life without any side effect is the outcome you want, then surgical removal may disappoint you. Fortunately, surgery is not the only treatment option you have to cure ovarian cysts.

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